Hannah Campbell Psychotherapy
Missouri Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #2023016748.
California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (#120400)
California Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (#9833)
she, her, hers
Accessible Therapy and Telehealth
Therapy that Fits You and Your Needs
Telehealth utilizes videoconferencing technology through use of personal computer, tablet, or phone to deliver consultation and therapy services to the client when they cannot physically be located in-office with the therapist. This is a great option for folks with accessibility concerns, busy schedules, or for those wanting to experience therapy in a space that is most comfortable and soothing for them. In our initial phone consultation we can discuss whether telehealth could be a fit for your needs and goals.
I utilize a HIPAA, GDPR, PHIPA/PIPEDA, & HITECH compliant telemedicine platform called Doxy.me to conduct telehealth calls and will discuss considerations when determining whether to seek telehealth support.
Find Your Therapy Fit
Reach out to schedule your free initial consultation call. This allows you to get a feel for how it is to speak with me, as well as discuss therapy options and recommendations for best meeting your goals.